UKNIAF supports Nigeria’s commitments to energy efficiency and universal access, as highlighted in the Energy Transition Plan and the Nationally Determined Contributions. As part of a broader portfolio of grid-focused interventions in the Power sector, UKNIAF is pleased to initiate the ‘Women on the electricity Grid Hub (WotGH).
The Hub aligns with the ‘Empower Women and Girls’ offer within the UK Government’s Strategy for International Development (2022). It aims to encourage women’s active participation in the power sector in the following ways:
- providing a national, regional, and international networking platform for female managers in Nigeria’s electricity supply industry
- supporting senior-level female technocrats in the electricity supply value chain with
information, tools, and knowledge required to address power sector issues relating to climate change, poverty, and social inclusion - promoting international norms and standards that are contextually relevant
- creating opportunities for role modelling and mentorship for and by women managers on the grid.

As part of its initial work, the Hub will conduct a census of women in the power sector across the policy, generation, transmission, and regulatory spaces. This will help generate a map of “women on the grid”. We are currently compiling a list of these women and will profile them in a mini-documentary. The list and map will serve as the starting point and will then form the basis for an inaugural meeting where an initial plan of action will be presented, discussed and agreed upon.