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Roundtable for State Access to Climate Finance- Expected Outcomes

Engr. Frank Edozie, Team Lead, UKNIAF, emphasizes focusing on development projects that benefit the climate. Frank advises- “Don’t do climate. Do development projects that have an impact on the climate.”
It’s a big shift in perspective. By prioritizing sustainable development, we can create projects that not only drive progress but also positively impact the environment.

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Partial activation of contracts

The more difficult changes require time for the ideas to crystalise and for buy-in to be achieved. A sustained engagement with key players over a prolonged period is essential to bring about regulatory changes.
Learn about UKNIAF’s work to improve the effectiveness of electricity offtake agreements.

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Weather forecasts for TCN- Story of Change

UKNIAF worked with the Transmission Company of Nigeria (TCN) and the Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NiMet). As a result of this collaboration, TCN can now receive real time weather forecasts which enhances the generation and dispatch of hydropower.

This video explains who benefits from this new partnership and how it makes a difference.

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Service Based Tariff Dashboard

UKNIAF, in collaboration with the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC), developed the interactive Service Based Tariff dashboard. The dashboard provides daily emissions tracking and real time power distribution data, assisting NERC to manage power supply. Households and businesses benefit by enjoying a more predictable electricity supply.

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Integrated Resource Plan (IRP)

UKNIAF worked with the Federal Ministry of Power and the Nigeria Electricity Regulatory Commission to scope a study to develop Nigeria’s first Integrated Resource Plan (IRP). The IRP provides a framework to determine the resource mix for the country’s long-term electricity needs.

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