UKNIAF’s Roads component Learning Brief
To unpack lessons learnt from our Roads work, we present the history and politics of previous NIAF programmes, which influenced how the Roads work in UKNIAF was carried out
To unpack lessons learnt from our Roads work, we present the history and politics of previous NIAF programmes, which influenced how the Roads work in UKNIAF was carried out
Despite changes, pivots, and budget cuts UKNIAF’s Roads component consistently delivered its strategy through three work streams: Roads Asset Management System (RAMS), Reform, and Project Delivery.
The three lessons in this blog describe how we were able to engineer this transition, keeping our core model in place, retaining our ever important partnerships, continuing to contribute towards our impact, but delivering a different set of tools and processes.
Supporting Nigerian Roads Sector Ministries and Agencies in incorporating climate considerations into Federal Road Network maintenance, planning, prioritisation and surveys
With the pivot, we are now fully aligned with the International Climate Fund objectives
Our Lunch and Learn series is one of several learning processes set up to encourage the programme to improve its quality of delivery as it responds and adapts to changing circumstance