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Transitioning to State Electricity Markets

In this piece, Barr. Jumoke Delano and Dr Stella Odiase reflect on Nigeria’s evolving subnational electricity market landscape. They liken the process of setting up a Sate Electricity Market (SEM) to construction with childhood building blocks—a process that is sometimes exciting, sometimes frustrating, but always requiring patience, creativity, and structure.

This article unpacks the critical steps, emerging lessons, and key considerations for States navigating this transition. While setting up a market isn’t mandatory, ensuring better electricity access is—whether through SEMS or alternative pathways.

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Bridging Nigeria’s energy access gap, one ‘middle child’ at a time

Jumoke Delano and Habiba Ali unpack the mini-grid and how it can bridge the gap between electricity demand and supply, especially among last-mile customers. Through the imagery of the oft-overlooked overlooked middle child, they draw from practical experience to highlight the merits of mini grids including scalability, adaptability, and inter-connectivity, in for bridging Nigeria’s electricity access gap.

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“WATTS with the Grid?” Episode 7: Reflections from Azerbaijan

On this episode of WATTS with the Grid, we are joined by Dolapo Kukoyi (Managing Partner, Detail Solicitors) and Habiba Ali (Managing Director/CEO, Sosai Renewable Energies Company). Fresh from COP 29 in Azerbaijan, they share their perspectives on key discussions that featured at the event, such as climate finance, energy access, and the importance of positioning Nigeria to leverage global opportunities.

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“WATTS with the Grid?” Episode 6: Conversation with Generation Next

In this special episode, we feature a group of young women in the Power sector. Chartered Accountant and Portfolio Manager at UKNIAF, Adeola Adebisi; Electrical Engineer and Project Manager at UKNIAF, Aisha Mala Sheriff; Energy Policy Research Analyst at Nextier, Doose Iortyom reflect on their experiences and share insights on critical issues shaping the sector, including valuable advice they would offer to their younger selves.

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“WATTS with the Grid?” Episode 5: Climate and Infrastructure Finance: The What, Whys and Hows – Part II

How can Nigeria bridge the climate finance gap to meet its ambitious targets? Our guests, Chintal Barot (Founder, Co-Sustain Consulting) and Titilayo Oshodi (Special Adviser on Climate Change and Circular Economy to the Governor of Lagos State), share insights on accessing funding, the role of gender in climate finance and why the economic argument is crucial for driving climate action.

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“WATTS with the Grid?” Episode 4: What does the Electricity Act 2023 mean for the distribution sub-sector?

In this episode female executives in Nigeria’s Power sector examine Nigeria’s Electricity Act 2023 and its implications for the distribution sub-sector. With the repeal of the 2005 reform act, the new legislation grants states, private investors, and individuals the power to generate, transmit, and distribute electricity. This conversation explores what this means for the 11 distribution companies (DisCos) currently serving Nigeria’s 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory.

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“WATTS with the Grid?” Episode 3: Climate Finance: The What, Whys and Hows.

Despite Nigeria investing an estimated USD 1.9 billion annually in climate-related activities, this is just 11% of the USD 17.7 billion needed to meet its emissions reduction goals by 2030. In this episode, we ask the critical questions: What’s driving these disparities? How can they be addressed? And what are the emerging opportunities, especially in light of the new Electricity Act 2023, which opens doors for renewable energy development across all 36 states?

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