UKNIAF supports electricity sector contract enforcement
Stories of Change: UKNIAF’s support to enhance electricity agreements in the power sector.
Stories of Change: UKNIAF’s support to enhance electricity agreements in the power sector.
Stories of Change: UKNIAF’s work on weather forecasts with NiMet to TCN
Stories of Change: UKNIAF’s work on the Decision Support Tool (DST)
This document is a collection of our lessons and observations across all our technical components over the last few years.
Stories of Change: UKNIAF’s work on the Integrated Resource Plan (IRP)
Stories of Change: UKNIAF’s work on Special Agro Processing Zones (SAPZ)
Stories of Change: UKNIAF’s work on the Service Based Tariff dashboard (SBT)
The more difficult changes require time for the ideas to crystalise and for buy-in to be achieved. A sustained engagement with key players over a prolonged period is essential to bring about regulatory changes.
Learn about UKNIAF’s work to improve the effectiveness of electricity offtake agreements.
Stories of Change: UKNIAF’s support to enhance electricity agreements in the power sector.
Stories of Change: UKNIAF’s work on weather forecasts with NiMet to TCN